Friday, November 2, 2012


You know that moment when you realize you smell bad and you can’t remember when you last showered but you’re pretty sure it was a Wednesday and today is Tuesday? It’s been that kind of month.

October a lovely month

The Kitchen Experiment will be a regular feature now. I’m aiming to have one up once a month. If you find them enjoyable and helpful let me know.

Made bags

Got called in to help my friend Michael finish his set for LPT’s Around the World in 80 Days. Elephant ears!

Mistakes Were Made closed on the 21st, no more fishy.

I returned to miXtape 1 November and there was much rejoicing.

Oh right, and my band finally named itself and we’re working on some visuals here’s a sneak peek.

Last but not least we have the Halloween costume for this year. This one's had more effort put into it than the last few. I don't know maybe it was because I was dancing Thriller for a Halloween carnival so I had to look like I tried.

This concludes the part with pictures.

I'm working on a newish script in addition to the other stuff that's always in progress. I feel like I had something else I wanted to tell you but I can't remember it... oh well.

November promises to be interesting. Things to look forward to:
the new Kitchen Experiment (I don't even know what it is yet!)
the band's photo shoot (hopefully soon I can tell you the name but we're waiting for a show to announce it.)